BMA of Arkansas Meeting Updates

The 72nd Annual BMA Arkansas session has concluded.  But it is not too late for your church to update the information for inclusion in the 2021 Minute Book.  Click here to complete the online form.

Please note that at the time of the meeting our minute fund balance was $89 which is critically low.  You may mail funds to the clerk* or if you want to use an online option, you may go through our Recording clerk’s church online giving portal (choose “BMA AR Minute Fund” on dropdown menu; note that the amount transferred will automatically deduct the 2.5% processing fees, unless you opt to help cover those in your donation).

If you or someone from your church serves on a BMA AR committee, we need their contact information.  Please use this form to submit the info on each Committee member: contact information form.

* 2022 Recording Clerk: 
Wes Hulvey 
8793 Apple Glen
Rogers, AR  72756
2021 BMA AR Minute Book (estimated availability April 2022) see Baptist Trumpet Nov 10, 2021 issue for highlights
2020 BMA AR Minute Book PDF